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Agriculture is a necessity for emigrants on Mars where natural conditions are completely different from those on Earth. A strategy composing of 2 stages is proposed to realize the Martian agriculture. In the first stage, domes are constructed and natural conditions inside the dome are modified somewhat similar to Terrestrial conditions. In the second stage, the agriculture inside the dome sustains material cycling for supplying to the emigrants sufficient air and water as well as foods. Peat moss is expected to be a key material for realizing the Martian agriculture, especially in the first stage.
Key words: agriculture, compost, Mars, peat
特定非営利活動法人草炭緑化協会 〒162−0043 東京都新宿区早稲田南町33 ドムール早稲田101 電話及びファックス:03-3205-4044 E-Mail:peat-society.jp@nifty.com 更新日: 4 January 2009 |
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